
One of my biggest fears from the moment I found out we were having twins was that I would favor one over the other. I went out of my way not do it. I wouldn’t hold one and leave the other, so I didn’t hold either of them much. I was there with them, in their Boppys, on the floor, wherever they were. I just didn’t want one to feel preferential treatment from me.

Well, I’ve come to realize this is not a perfect world, and they are two very different creatures. One likes to cuddle, one likes to hang upside down off the couch. One is more coordinated, one runs into walls. One likes to wear dresses, the other doesn’t.

One decided to express her displeasure by sitting in the middle of the street when we were walking home from school yesterday. My response to that was to yell at her sister about it.

 Screw favoritism. They share the same DNA. It’s almost the same kid. If one does it, the other can deal with the consequences too. It’s like proactive discipline, because I’m pretty sure the other one isn’t going to try that nonsense ever again either.

It’s a whole new world, and this Mom is done with the even-Steven, make everything equal bullshit.

It’s not always going to be equal. I can try, but I’m not going pull my hair out over it anymore. If one of them is going to mess with me, the other one is going to suffer the wrath too. Game on!

They wanted to test their limits and push my buttons. Job well done. Mom is over it now. Sorry, girls.

 And don’t feel bad for that other one either; she probably did something while I wasn’t looking.

It might not be the nicest parenting tactic, but considering how much they tattle on each other, it could be pretty damn effective. One of them gets in trouble, they both get in trouble. No more tattling, just like that.

Mommy law has been declared! My work here is done.



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