Another Life Lesson for My Not-So-Littles 

We had a busy, long, holiday weekend. The girls were super tired when we got home from swimming and visiting with family.  They went to bed early and went right to sleep.  It stands to reason this morning, they were lethargic and unimpressed with the idea of getting up early and going to school.

When one had a bit of a meltdown, the other stepped in and did the fussing for me.

Look, we are not going to have this kind of attitude this morning. Okay? Get it together.

So THAT’S what I sound like to them. Plus I got to go on about my business of getting them ready for school.

It didn’t take long before the roles were reversed, and the other one got her little heart, polka-dotted panties in a knot. Her sister did not miss the opportunity to straighten her out either.

Well, then I guess you will not be getting an after dinner treat tonight.

They’re starting their shortened week out tired and grouchy, just like everyone else. It’s still kind of cute when they’re 5 and just learning about the world.

However, ask me how cute they are by Friday. I bet I’ll have a different answer then. This might be a life lesson for me too.

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